Q: In October we installed fescue sod over our entire yard. It remained absolutely beautiful until May. It seems that overnight it got big brown patches. After closer review under a magnifying glass it looks like the blades of grass are rotting right at the root.
A: The brown border around the tan spots on the leaf blades is a definitive sign for brown patch disease.
In my experience, overwatering and/or overfertilizing are the common causes of this disease.
You can prevent and control the disease with thiophanate – methyl (Infuse Lawn & Landscape Granules, Scotts Lawn Fungus Control, etc) or propiconazole (Bayer Fungus Control for Lawns).
Diagnosing Brown Patch
Brown Patch
Brown Patch of Turfgrass
brown patch on fescue
brown patch on fescue
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