Q: For the last several years my Emerald Zoysia lawn has apparently gone to seed mid-summer or later. This year it is greening up in April and has already gone to seed.
The lawn is twelve years old. It appears otherwise healthy and gets core aeration after green-up and usually two fertilizations. It is mowed to about 1-1/2 inches weekly during the season.
A: Your observation is exactly right. I noticed the seedheads on my neighbor’s zoysia lawn yesterday.
Tim Bowyer, zoysia expert from Patten Seed says zoysia sends up seed in spring and fall. Stress, like a cold winter or dry summer, can influence zoysia to send up more seedheads than usual.
In any case, it’s nothing to get alarmed about. Mow off the purple seedheads when they bother you.
zoysia seedheads
zoysia seedheads
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