Q: My children collected seeds from our pumpkin this year. We placed several of them in damp paper towels on top of the refrigerator. Now we have several four-inch long sprouts. What do I need to do to keep them alive?
A: This will be a very educational experience for you and for the kids! You ^might^ be able to keep a couple of plants alive through the winter by planting each sprout in a gallon pot filled with potting soil. Put the pots near a sunny window and be prepared to train the vines up the window frame and perhaps back and forth across the window glass. If (and that’s a big IF) the plants survive the winter indoors, you can plant them outside in a sunny spot in early May.
If this winter project seems daunting, get some ‘Galeux d’Eysines’ squash from an online seed company.
These pumpkin-type squash are covered with peanut-like warts which eventually cover the entire fruit. Rightfully called “bumpkins” by children, they are striking enough for table centerpieces.
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