Q: On one of your Georgia Public Broadcasting “Gardening in Georgia” TV shows you demonstrated a good way to cut back pampas grass. Can you refresh my memory?
A: I demonstrated cutting the grass with a carpenter’s saw but I’ve found an electric shrub trimmer (or even a chain saw) to be very handy too.
The process was easy to manage after I cinched the clump up tight with a rope so I could saw away at the base.
Cut your pampas grass clump down to between 12 and 24 inches high anytime in January, February or early March.
Maiden grass and fountain grass should also be trimmed, but to 10 inches high. Be sure to remove any dead stems in the center of the clump.
Be sure to wear a long sleeved shirt and gloves when you work: the grass leaves are razor sharp.
T. W. notes: “I have my own safety recommendation to add. Please wear protective eyewear! I received abrasions to my eye from the sharp blades of grass. The eye healed quickly but it was a very painful experience that others should avoid.”
maiden grass needing a cut back in winter
rounding the top of this maiden grass clump means the center will
eventually die
this pampas grass wasn’t pruned last year and then was pruned too high this year, leaving a hollow center
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