Q: I have a large tree in my front yard that is very sick. A big part of the trunk at bottom seems infested with some sort of insect. There are lots of little holes & sawdust…plus a good bit of rot. The
Stream – Water is Orange (Rusty)
Q: I live in Cumming and have a small stream in the woods behind my house. The water looks like rust. Can you tell me why? A: It’s because iron has dissolved in the water and a certain bacteria is feeding on it.
Lawn Recovery After Salt Water Damage
Q: My parents live a block from the beach in Fairfield, Connecticut. The salt water from Long Island sound destroyed the lawn and plants after Hurricane Sandy. How do they recover their lawn? A: Legend has it tha
Lanceleaf smilax – Identification
Q: I am wondering what this vine is. Is it something that can be eaten or is it poison? A: Plant identification expert Shannon Pable says it's Smilax smallii. Lanceleaf greenbriar or bamboo vine are its com
Jumping Oak Gall – Identification
Q: These leaves fell from a large oak tree this week. A couple of weeks ago my patio was covered with the small rust/orange colored dots which appear on the leaves. Today I finally looked up to see the tree being
Q: I've been growing garlic for many years. This time when I pulled my garlic it came out with the cloves of garlic not encased. Each clove was separate. Could it be due to the warm winter and I should have
Deciduous Magnolia – Identification
Q: I took these pictures while fishing on Stone Mountain lake. It's hard to appreciate just how large the blooms are without a scale to compare to, however the blooms dwarf a magnolia tree flower. The lea
Starting a Landscape Business – What do You Need?
Q: I want to start a landscape business installing flowers in small beds. Do I need additional licenses such as an architect, nursery growers, or contractor's licenses? A: It may be more complicated than yo
Q: I planted four Red Robin hollies behind our pool. I am trying to determine the right male to go with these female shrubs. A: Red Robin(tm) is a selection of ‘Mary Nell' holly that has a distinct r
Q: Will peppers cross pollinate? If I plant hot peppers, like jalapeno and habanero, near bell peppers and banana peppers will it make all of them hot? A: Pepper flowers have both male and female parts and they u
Q: I am considering using pine bark nuggets for mulch in a bed around the house. Is there a concern with termites in pine bark nuggets around the foundation? A: In general, no. Although mulch makes the soil ben
Q: I am looking for 15-0-15 fertilizer. We had a soil sample done and was told to add this but I am unable to find this anywhere. A: Look for Centipede/St Augustine fertilizer products. They are sometimes formul
Fig Tree – Planting For Fruit!
Q: I want to plant a fig tree for the fruit. What variety do you recommend for this area? A: ‘Celeste’, ‘Brown Turkey’ and ‘LSU Purple’ grow very well here. Check with your local nursery for availability or vis
Daffodils – Affected By Warm Weather?
Q: With all the warm weather we’ve had lately, my daffodils have started coming up! Will they come up again this February? A: It’s completely normal for daffodils to put up foliage in winter. They won't b
Salvia – To Eat, Or Not To Eat.
Q: Are all varieties of salvia (sage) edible? I purchased May Night salvia and it smells elegant. A: There are hundreds of members of the salvia family but only a few are considered edible. Ornamental salvias, l
Springtails – Hopping Black Pepper!
Q: We were outside after a rain in mid-December and found trillions of tiny insects that jump like a flea! They were about the size of a grain of finely ground black pepper. Do you know what they are? A: Rememb
Chinkapin – Where To Get Them?
Q: Chinkapins used to grow wild in the Savannah area. Is there anyway to get them now? A: The chinkapin, Castania pumila, is a shrubby relative of the American chestnut. It has the same spiny burs and a nicely
Potting Soil/Mix – Whats The Difference?
Q: What is the difference in potting soil and potting mix? Which should be used on indoor plants and which in outdoor pots and which in the garden? A: Potting mix is a blend of peat moss, pine bark fines, perlite
Saving Plants – Georgia Native Plant Society
Q: Isn't there a group that digs up plants from places that are going to be developed, to save those plants that would be destroyed? A: My good friends at the Georgia Native Plant Society, www.gnps.org, wo
Q: I have a thick covering of pine straw and leaves on my yard in areas where I don't mow. Does this prevent the roots of the trees from getting moisture? A: Thick mulch can be a two-edged sword. It helps
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