my plant
QUESTION: I bought this plant in the spring from home depot, it was beautiful when I brought it home. It began to dry and falling apart. I water it as it says in the care page (once a week submerging it in water for 5 to 10 minutes) that came with it, but it is still drying. I tried moving it to another location, giving it less light, and more water. I put it in my bathroom, where it seemed to stop the drying process but still very dry. The ones at the store are soft and a beautiful green, and indoors. What is happening to mine? How can I restore it?
ANSWER: Hi Emma,
I have some bad news. The tree you purchased (Juniper) is an outdoor tree. I have no ideas why these are sold in home improvement stores as indoor trees. Bonsai trees are no different than their siblings in the wild. Junipers are outdoor trees and requires outdoor weather conditions, including dormancy.
You can try moving your tree outdoors to see if it bounces back. Do not fertilize your tree for a few weeks. Also keep a close eye on your watering schedule. It's possible that your tree may require daily (or every other day) watering. Most bonsai trees require watering more than once a week.
I'm sorry. I wish i had better news. Are you able to move your tree outdoors?
---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------
QUESTION: I did move it outside to see if it helps, and I will adjust the watering to everyother day. Thank you, I will let you know if mine makes it. Do you know what kind of fertilizer I should use?
AnswerHi Emma,
I would not fertilize the tree if it looks stressed. In a couple weeks, you can start fertilizing again. Try to get your hands on an Organic fertilizer. Organic fertilizers tend to be gentle on a trees roots. You can pick up organic fertilizer online or your local home improvement store. You're other house plants will also like it.
Otherwise, try reducing the fertilizer you have in your house by half or more. October is not a growing season for junipers so you don't want to fertilize too much.
Enjoy your day,