QuestionThis is a clarification of an earlier submitted question. We bought a coast redwood seedling in April to grow as a bonsai. It has been outside in central NY since then except for the hottest days. It gets watered by soaking the whole pot 5-7 times per week and has been doing very well. How do I treat it for the upcoming winter? Should it be brought inside? How should the watering schedule be changed?
AnswerHi Charles,
My recommendation is to seek expert help from
I am not sure how to treat a redwood for the winter. You definately do not want to bring the tree indoors, but i am not sure what the ideal winter conditions are. I'm guessing this tree needs dormancy and therefore will need to be left outdoors or in a cold shed, but i don't want to mislead you with care instructions. Try asking your question on Someone will definately answer your question.