QuestionQUESTION: Hi, i just received an indoor juniper bonsai as a gift. its about 6 inches tall. now, i have no previous experience with this or any other plant but I've been cramming for the past 3 days on everything bonsai related that i could find. I've got it planted and pruned the new growth away, but I'm having trouble with the light issue. everything I've read says that it needs a lot of sun light but thats quite impossible as my room (housemates) is an interior room and i have no access to sun. i do have 3 60watt micro florescent bulbs in my ceiling fan that are on for over 12 hrs a day. i also have a 24 inch grow light sitting behind the plant about a foot away. is this amount of light going to be sufficient and if so, how long do i need to have the grow light on per day?
also, are there any other tips that you can throw my way? like, drainage. it came with a terra cotta pot to put it in but it has no holes in the bottom. but the instructions said to make sure it has plenty of drainage. so, I've just been limiting its water to a few sprit bottle sprites a day.
I'm sorry that this is so long but I've really fell in love with this little tree and i don't want to do anything to kill it. thankyou so much for your time and help, Bill Bonnie
ANSWER: Hi Bill,,
I'm not an expert when it comes to growing trees under florescent bulbs. It's definitively possible, and I know some people that have, but since I don't have personal experience, I will refer you to a website link. Jerry's article should answer all your questions.
Regarding the container your bonsai is currently in. It's obviously not a bonsai pot. That does not mean it can not thrive in this pot, but i would recommend that you purchase an inexpensive Chinese Ceramic pot. You'll also want to purchase some soil and transplant the Juniper into it's new pot. Bonsai Soil and the new pot will help your trees root system, especially since you're going to stress it a little by growing it under florescent lights.
Let me know if you have follow up questions. I would normally refer you to articles on our website, but they have been temporarily removed. We are in the process of building a more friendly website to host our articles. Check back in a couple weeks, and we will have lots of articles to help you succeed with bonsai gardening.
---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------
QUESTION: thanks, but i did forget one question. if i over/under water it, or dont give it enuff light, or keep it too cold, or whatever, how will i know before its too late. will it start turning brown or................?
thanks, bill
AnswerHi Bill,
You will see the needles turn brown. Junipers are pretty hardy, but low light is bad for trees. I suspect you will see some needles turn brown within a few days if it does not get enough light. Remove those needles as soon as possible and never fertilize a bonsai if it looks stressed.