QuestionI have a bed on impatiens under a pine tree. It has a southern exposurer in Michigan. Last year I put peat and topsoil into the bed. This year I used Colorburst 15,30,15 plant food in the soil before planting. We've had cooler evening weather, close to frost but not frost. I need these plants to look good for a party on June 28. Is there anything else I should be doing for this bed?
AnswerImpatiens are not Full Sun plants -- but this being under a Tree, I am hoping your Southern Exposure is more Impatiens-friendly by mid-day thanks to a great big tree canopy. These are also EASY plants. Don't water them if they don't need water; don't fertilize any more; don't accessorize them. Relax and leave them alone. If the weather has warmed up by now, you're in even better shape. I would stop fertilizing them, too -- too risky; you don't want to burn them. Sounds beautiful and I think you will have a beautiful display on June 28th. Very best regards,