QuestionIs there a way to preserve Cock's Comb flowers? I have beautiful flowers and would like to save some for fall decorating if possible. My son mentioned a neighbor asking for some of his. She was going to hang them upside down. Is this how they can be dried and not fall apart?
AnswerDear Esther,
I do agree with you, Cock's Combs are incredible flowers. I have not ever tried to dry them myself but I do agree with the principle of hanging them upside down in a dark, dry place. I think you should experiment and maybe once dry you can spray some hair lacquer on the flowers too. This will help them stay together.
There is another method using Silica gel which is a dessicant but it is quite expensive and time consuming. With this method you would cut the heads off, lay them in a box half filled with the silica, then you would sprinkle some more over the flower, making sure you get into all the nooks and crannies, ultimately covering the entire flower. Then you would leave for a few weeks until the flower was dried. Again, I have never tried this with Cock's Comb, so it may be trial and error.
You can dry some flowers in the microwave oven. Not something I have tried but maybe investigate this one further via the web.
Good luck