QuestionI have planted several tomato plants,several are heirloom, but the plant is getting very tall, not alot of fruit and on the heirloom plant when I do get a few fruit the end of the tomatoe gets black. ALso I have planted several yellow squash plants in containers and they plant is big and beautiful, they have lots of blooms, but no veggie ever appears. The blooms finally fall off and that is that. Thanks for your help.
Have you been feeding your tomato plants? Too much nitrogen will give you a lot of leafy growth and little fruit. The black you are seeing is blossom end rot. It is a common occurrence when tomatoes receive inconsistent water, though the actual cause is lack of calcium. Lime can remedy the problem.
As for the squash, it could be that you are only seeing male blossoms. Squash usually will put out only male flowers at first, with the female blossoms coming a week or two later. If they have been flowering longer, it could be lack of pollination. Sometimes though you just get a plant that never puts out any female blooms.