weird carrot
QUESTION: Do you have any idea why all my carrots are growing weird? They look like aliens. I have never had this problem before.
ANSWER: Rachel:
What kind of soil do you have? Looks like it's rocky - that would give the results you're seeing.
---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------
QUESTION: Thanks for the response. While investigating I had read that rocky soil could be a possible cause of our alien carrots but we definitely do not have rocky soil. We also aerated the soil we had before planting. Any other thoughts? I appreciate your advice.
AnswerNo, I don't really have any other clues, except maybe planting too close together. It doesn't necessarily have to be actual rocks, if the soil is "clumpy", like if it was turned when wet or if it is heavy clay soil, that would also cause branching. Try adding more organic material to it next year.