QuestionQUESTION: hello, I am starting a vegetable garden and wanted to know what vegetables
I could grow at this time of year or fruits like strawberries. I have a lot of
room and would like to maximize a variety of vegetables but I under it might
be limited with the seasons. This is my first urban garden so any other
information you think might help is greatly appreciated. Thank you for taking
the time to read this. Charlie
ANSWER: Dear Charlie,
I have no idea where you are, so I can't give you any idea regarding a growing season. I can tell you this. If you are in the US, with the exception of southern California, and the Florida Keys, most of the growing season is coming to a close. It would be too late or too hot to plant just about anything by now. If you'd write back and let me know your approximate geographical whereabouts, I'd be happy to help you organize your gardening experience according to the seasons.
Kind Regards,
---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------
QUESTION: my location. Is Fresno central California. The temperatures are in the
hundreds now but it should cool off in september it also doesn't rain much
here or get that cold
I could give you a few ideas about length of time from planting seed until maturity, but I think your best plan would be to contact a nursery in your area or Google search one and see what is recommended for your growing season and beginning in the fall. I'm just not sure what will grow in a late fall garden in Fresno, but I'm sure a Fresno nursery or greenhouse will be able to tell you.