QuestionI've read your articles and fully understand the best ripening is on the vine. Please detail for me the procedure for ripening indoors when a vine breaks and tomatoes and butternut squash are brought in. I would also like to thank you for the time you dedicate to this web site and the information you make available to make our gardening experience a pleasure. Thank You Marianne
AnswerMarianne, thank you for the kind remarks.
The best way to ripen a tomato is to place them two inches apart in a fruit box or some kind of shallow container. Place the box in a dark location, preferably in a cool basement. The tomatoes will ripen more evenly this way over a two week period.
The second approach if you want the tomatoes to ripen quickly is to wrap each one individually with newspaper. Once again, place the wrapped tomatoes in a shallow container or on a level surface in a cool, dry location. Check the tomatoes every 3-5 days since they will ripen much more quickly than just by storing them unwrapped.
Butternut squash will ripen quite well by placing them on a level surface several inches apart to prevent rotting. I also place my squash in the basement.
If you prefer to delay ripening or extend it even further, place the fruit in the back of the refrigerator. I have had squash ripen over a 3 month period using this method.
I hope this answered your question. Please write again if I can ever be of assistance.