These plants randomly started growing in my garden. What are they?
Those look like Empress trees (Paulownia). It's a nice, medium sized tree with blue flowers. They grow very easily from seed. I'm attaching a picture of one blooming. They are very fast growing, and can become weedy in conditions that are favorable to them. Chopping them down to the ground will only make the leaves bigger. If you want to be rid of them, you will have to remove them root and all, or treat them with an herbicide.
---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------
QUESTION: Thanks. Oh man I do NOT want a tree right there, lol. Looks like I'll have to either dig them up and move them somewhere else, or just plain get rid of them.
How on earth did they get here? My mom planted zinnia flowers and hydrangea flowers in that area, but how did this plant come in? Was a seed mixed in there or something?
And how on earth do these plants grow so fast? Within 2 weeks it was up to my hip!!
AnswerHi again!
Paulownia seeds are dispersed by wind, water, and probably by birds and animals as well. It is one of the worlds fastest growing trees. Windblown seeds can germinate immediately where they find good ground. I bet if you look around your neighborhood, you will find one that is mature and blooming.
One man's weed is another man's beautiful flower, lol. I'd love to have a Paulownia - it could take the place of one of these infernal crepe myrtles and golden rain trees that keep coming up everywhere!