fungus 1
fungus 2
Hi Rick
yours is the closest expertise I could find to my question... hope you can help
I have found a strange fungus inside a very old piece of furniture which was stored in a damp shed for quite some time. In all my years of renovating houses and restoring furniture I have never seen anything like it. its actually eating onto the wood. It was so tough that where it had grown between the drawer and the side of the cabinet, the drawer would not open, even by considerable force, I had to cut through the growth with a saw. Its growing inside an old oak wardrobe. is it dangerous, how do i treat it?
many thanks
You need to contact your local health department, pest elimination company or similar agency to ID the fungus...Fungi are classified by their structure...
Fungi that grow in your area do not necessarily grow in other areas of the world...
For a quicker and more precise answer I would recommend you take a sample of it or a picture of the fungi to one of them...Ask them if they can ID it...You may have to visit more than one to find someone knowledgeable...
Hope this helps you ID it...
Good luck...
Rick in southern New Jersey USA