QuestionCould you ID this flower for me? I found this orange wildflower a couple days ago growing in the woods near Bunker, MO. Also do you know if this flower is commonly available for purchase at garden centers as seeds or otherwise grown? Thanks
With only 1 picture I would guess that is in the poppy family...It is hard to tell without more pictures of the flowers...Flowering plants (angiosperms) are classified by the structure of the flowers they produce...Plants that grow in your area do not necessarily grow in other areas...
For a quicker and more precise answer I would recommend you take a sample of a section of the plant and a picture of the areas you describe that it is growing in to a local garden center (Not chain store)...Ask them if they can ID it...You may have to visit more than one to find someone knowledgeable...
Hope this helps you ID it...
Good luck...
Rick in southern New Jersey