Unknown Leaf
QUESTION: Hello. I was wondering if you can give me any ideas as to what type of houseplant this is. I have inherited it from my mom, but she doesn't know what it is. I don't either. I would like to know what it is so I can learn how to care for it better. I have attached a picture of a leaf. I can send more pictures of the entire plant if needed. Any help you can give me would be appreciated.
ANSWER: More pictures (whole plant, complete branch, etc.) would be helpful...
From the 1 picture you supplied I would say it was a Pothos...
Type pothos into your search engine and compare the pictures to your plant...
As for proper care - I water most plants by weight. I put a saucer under the pot , water and let the plant sit in the excess water for 5-10 minutes. After that time I remove any excess water in the saucer. I pick up or lean the pot to check for weight. It should feel heavy after being watered. Don't water again until it feels considerably lighter in weight. Then check it every 3-10 days or longer. Watering frequency depends on many factors(type of plant,light exposure, temps, humidity, etc.).
Also most indoor tropical plants require you to add fertilize on a weekly to monthly basis during the growing season. Visit your local garden center (not chain store) and see what they recommend for your particular plants...
Spray misting and humidity requirements will vary from plant to plant...Misting once or twice a week will help keep the plant clean. Overdoing it can cause mold and fungi problems.
Let me know what you decide it is...Hope the advice helps...
Rick in southern NJ
---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------
Plant 1
Plant 2
QUESTION: Thank you for your reply. From your suggestion, I think the plant is a Pothos. I looked at many pictures from various sites. I noticed that my plant is not nearly as healthy looking as the ones in the pictures I saw. Most are full and lush looking. My plant is spindly and not very full. Do you have any suggestions for a healthier plant?
Also, many pictures I saw showed the plant growing up some sort of tower or something in the middle of the pot. I would like to know how to attain this look. My plant is long and spread out.
I have included a couple of pictures of my plant. The system only allows me to attach 2 photos, but I do have more if you need them. Thanks in advance for your help.
AnswerIt is a Pothos...Pothos is a vining plant and is often trained to climb on a trellis or slabs of wood with bark...I have seen them 20-30' long when not pruned and allowed to grow out...Visit your local garden center and see what they recommend for trellising your plant...It will still need to be pruned properly to control its' size...
Pothos do not like direct sunlite...They prefer a well lit area in the shade...I think that is why your plant is looking odd compared to others you see...Move it away from direct sunlite and see if that helps...
Follow my watering, fertilizing, and other directions and your plant should be OK...
Good luck...