We're at a loss in knowingwhat the plantis. it survived the winter as a very small leafy shrub and in 6 months is about 3 feet high and 2 feet wide. My wife calls it the triffid as it has multiple smaller stems coming out from the sides of the main plant part. leaves are broad-based and saw-shaped edges to them. looks like smaller flower buds are about to open over next 2 wks.
Hope you can help.
Best wishes, Dave, England.
Be it a triffid or a teasel I wouldn't know for sure...I am in southern New Jersey USA and to me it does look like a weed...The problems with most weeds is that they can be invasive and choke out many of the native species...The best thing to do is take your picture of the plant to a local garden center (not chain store)...Or take it to a local agricultural agent and let them ID it for you...You may have to go to more than one to find someone knowledgeable...If it's a problem weed just pull it up by the roots...If it's a valuable plant all the better for you...
Please let me know what you find out...
Good luck...
Rick in southern NJ USA