flower 001
QUESTION: I saw the attached flowers in a garden in Spain last week,and photographed the sample pot that I got from a Spanish market, they come out in all different colours from the same plant,and would like to see if they are available in the UK
ANSWER: That is portulaca. I don't know if they are available in the UK.
---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------
QUESTION: When I look at Portulaca on different web sites, the leaves are completely different to mine, as per my photo,
so do you think that you may have given me the wrong answer.
AnswerHey, it occured to me why you were confused by my answer. Your picture is of Portulaca oleracea, commonly called Purslane, as opposed to Portulaca grandiflora, which is what most people refer to as Portulaca. I call them both Portulaca since they are both Portulaca species.
Hope that helps.