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XC-400 Control

MY XC-400 is about 10 years old,,and has now got a mind of it self. No mater how I try to set time of day and length of time to run. System will turn at about the right time ( about 5:30 AM ) but will then run zone 1  then zone  2 , then zone 1 again and back to zone 2 ..on and on and ON trill I turn system OFF.. Is the new XC 400 Core a direct replacement, Or is there any other type of unit I can get that will use the same wiringing

Hey Bob, the X-core is the replacement model Hunter has come out with. I am not a big Hunter controller fan. I would suggest using a Irri-trol  "Rain-dial" controller. It will be easier to program, and will last a long time. Good luck and have a great day.

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