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Hardie 6100 home system

QUESTION: Me again, The rocker on my system isn't working.  Any suggestions?

ANSWER:  Patty,

The switch towards, the bottom of the controller in the middle that handles: ON, PROGRAM, OFF does not need to click if it is still functioning. The same goes for the dial on the controller. If the button or dial has stopped functioning then the controller will need to be replaced. That controller was a solid controller in the late 90's but since then there have been a lot of products that have come out at better price points along with more user friendly features. I am not sure of your situation: what region you live/ if you are on city, lake or well water/ if you have water restrictions. If I knew more about your situation I may be able to direct you to a timer that would meet your needs at your price point.

Bob D

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Thank you so much.  I live in central California, a little town called Tulare.  I have a nephew who can replace my timer if you would please suggest one that has the same wiring schematics.

Hello Patty,

I preference Hunter controllers myself. For a entry level timer I would recommend a Hunter XC-600i. This small timer is packed with features for the price point. I did a quick search online and the timer is roughly $60.

The flip side of the entry level XC would be a Hunter PRO-C. Model: PCC 600i and online I found them to be around $100.

Please remember that before you take the old controller out to write down which colored wires go to which terminals for the common, zones, master valve and such. This will save you time after you put the new one in. Most controllers have similar wiring layouts. You will just have to place the correct wires in the same terminals on the new timer.

Also where the wires enter the controller by be different from what you have now, so just take a minute and make a plan before removing the existing timer and installing the new timer.

It may take 30-60 minutes to replace the timer.

Good Luck.  

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