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Hardie RD 900 inground irrigation system

For the past 6 months or so, the clock on our system seems to constantly change itself from p.m. to a.m.  I now have to re-set the current time every day as when I look at the time, it's changed from a.m. to p.m.  For example, at night I check and the current time will say 10:00 p.m.   We have the system set to start at 11:00 p.m. and run through the night.  It does run correctly through the night.  When I look in the morning, the current time says 8:00 p.m. instead of a.m.    It wouldn't normally be such a big deal, except I have a dog that likes to attack the sprinkler heads if there is water coming out.  We have had to replace many heads because we didn't realize the water was on until it was too late - muddy dog, wrecked sprinkler.  Now every day I turn the system off each morning and on again at night after changing the clock back to the correct time.

Is there any way to set the clock to a 24 hours clock?   I think that would solve this querky problem.  Have you heard of this problem before?  

Hey Mary, this controller does not allow you to set a 24 hour (millitary time) clock. As far as the time being off goes, the microprocesser is probably going bad, and the time is not changing properly. This brand "Hardie Rain Dial" controller was bought out by "Irri-trol". They still make the Rain Dial series controller. You can just buy a new panel for your controller, instead of buying a whole controller. I would suggest replacing the panel. Good luck and have a great day.

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