Water valves
QUESTION: Please see attached picture there are 7 possible valves to turn on the water for my sprinkler system. I have numbered them - how do I turn the water on please? #'s 2, 3, 4 & 6 - I assume are valves but not sure. Much appreciated!
ANSWER: Hey Dave, no problem. The first valve to turn on, is valve #5 (the red gate valve). The next two valves to turn on, are the blue handled ball valves, #1 and # 7, these two valve handles should be parallel with the valves themselves to be considered all the way on. The other valves #2,3,4,and 6, are actually what is called a "pit cock". Before you turn the other valves on, turn the screw on the top of these pit cocks so they are perpendicular to the valve themself, and this will turn off the pit cocks. You want the pit cocks to be turned off, otherwise you will get water spraying out of them constantly. In the winter, you will want to open the pit cocks up, so the water will drain out of the system,(if you are in a climate that will freeze).Good luck and let me know if I can answer anymore questions, have a great day.
---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------
QUESTION: Jim - last question - besides opening the pit cocks in the winter is there more to winterizing the piping for the sprinkler system? Thanks again in advance.
AnswerHey Dave, what I would suggest, is that you have the system "blown out" in the winter. What they do, or what you can do, is hook an air compressor up to the mainline, and with the compressor on, go through each station and blow all the water in the piping and heads out with air. Usually its better to have a bigger tee and cap in the main shut off area above ground in the area you took the picture for me, but they could also blow some air through one of the pitcocks you have installed. Usually most irrigation companies charge between $50.00 to $75.00 to have this service done in the winter. It's probably worth having done. Good luck and have a good day.