QuestionI have a popup 180 degree rotating sprinkler hear that that makes one 180 pass in 15 minutes. The area covered by this sprinkler head is not looking good. My questions are is this a normal speed, if not, can I adjust the speed on the sprinkler head or do I need to replace the sprinkler head. My irrigation system is about 10 years old. Another question, some of my stationary sprinkler heads do not retract after their station waters. Is there some maintenance that I can perform or do they need to be replaced.
The speed of the rotation is a nonadjustable item. The speed shouldn't affect the application of water though. You may want to replace or clean the nozzle.
The retraction problem is some from age and probably a little over growth of the lawn. You may need to raise the heads back to flush with the ground. The other item you can try is to remove them and unscrew the cap then clean all the debris inside. They probably have soil and ?? in them.