QuestionQUESTION: Do you have any knowledge on solotrol irrigation systems? the control box is a small solar panel that requires a key to get in and a black key to program the schedule. the black key looks like a garage opener with 6 pins.
ANSWER: Yes, I am familiar with them. We have quite a few in our landscapes.
---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------
QUESTION: Thanks for your help
Could you help me out on this issue? How could I see some samples or pics of these systems? do you know of any manufactures for this items? How do I learn about this system? any web pages? Thanks for your help again. If I could get your Ph: Number would be of much help too.
Jose M. Franco
AnswerA company called DIG now makes what was once the Solatrol. I have used a few of them for replacements of damaged or broken units. I prefer to use the Irritrol IBOC controller with the Solar Panel option. It is easier to program and maintain in my opinion.
IBOC here:
DIG here: