Questionwe have a well used for our irrigation system. it is suddenly clogging in the filter every time we turn it on after it runs for a couple of zones. we clean out the filter and then it will run again for a while. we also noted that when we use a hose that is tapped off of the well we sometimes get a brownish colored water. we moved into this house with this existing system a year ago, and have not had this problem up until now. the well is run by an electric pump. can you think of a way to fix this problem or what may be causing it?
AnswerIt sounds like you are picking up sediment from the well. It could be due to several factors: low water table, problems with the well casing, or a problem with the suction line. This problem has been cropping up in other people's questions, and one of the common conditions seems to be low water table. There is not much you can do about this unless you want to lower your suction line deeper in the well. Try using a filter with a more coarse screen or element that will not plug up so fast, and hope it rains.