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Pressure Switch Adjustment

I have a Meyers HJ100S pump with a pressure switch pumping my irrigation system.  There is a pressure guage and tank on top of the pump.

There are two adjustment screws on the side of the pump.  A label tells me one is for "raise pump cut on/cut off", the other is for pump cut off only.

Right now the cut off only is backed out to the top of the bolt and appears to not be doing anything.  The pump will run for about 10 secods until the pressure reaches about 45 psi, then cuts off, the pressure drops to about 24 and then the pump cuts on again.

Where can I find a tutorial for correct adjustment of these screws.  

Sorry it took so long for me to get back to you. All I can tell you is that particular pressure switch is rated to cut in at 30psi and cut out at 50psi. If one of the adjustment screws is not doing anything than the switch might need to be replaced. Try contacting a local John Deere store or finding a local dealer. I'm sorry I couldn't have been more help.

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