Live near Cleveland, Ohio. Have house facing West on a wooded lot so it is quite shady and planning to use the following for the front lawn:
Dogwood/boxwood /holly (blue princes or american-preference?)/ birdsnest/rhodo roseum /japanese bloodgood maple/clump river birch/ taxus capitata / varigated turf lilly/siberian iris/stella d'oro daylilly/ajuga bronze beauty/pachysandra/weeping crab.
Please review the above and let me know your thoughts - changes?
In addition, I am looking at the following for the backyard (facing east and more shady than the front):
Miss Kim Lilac / Red Bud Tree/Coral burst crab-there will be sun at this spot and windy / azalea herbert / serviceberry/anthony waterer spirea / vernal witchhazel.
Thanks for any recommendations.
AnswerVery sorry, but I can't help you. I've been trying to have my name removed from the list of volunteers because I don't have time to field questions any more, but obviously it hasn't been deleted yet. Please try another volunteer. Again, very sorry.