backyard drainage
2nd backyard drainage
We have had a drainage issue with our property since we purchased it in 2008. Our lot sits lower than the back neighbor's lot, with a hill (no retaining wall) between the two properties.
The base of the hill is wet year round (with the exception of 110 degree weather). I believe the problem is that my neighbor's water is seeping into my backyard and pooling around the lowest point (the base of the hill). I do have drain pipe running the base of the hill and it NEVER stops flowing and the area is still sopping wet and smells like a swamp in winter. The drain pipe is only about 8-10 inches from the surface.
Would a series of french drains solve the problem?
It looks like the drain pipes do not handle the seepage efficiently enough (if at all) to keep my backyard swamp free. Am I correct?
Its possible that the water is not flowing into the pipe fast enough (the pipe is too small diameter) or not going through the soil over the pipe at a fast enough rate.
The steeper the hill,the faster water will flow down. Slowing the water down may be desirable. Check dams placed on the hillside or at the base of the hill or a shallow basin dug at the base of the hill could slow the water down and allow the pipe or other drainage devices to work more efficiently.
A french drain,with gravel up to the top,without soil cover, could be an option as well as a ditch or swale to which some type of underdrainage could be added if necessary,such as porous pipe supplemented with catch basins or drywells.
Mark Harshman
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