QuestionI have a small area at the end of my property, where I have a large tree, shed and picnic table. I used to have black matting (for weed control) and chips spread on top of the matting. I have since, pulled up the matting because of problems with it. The problem I am having now, is that when it rains all of the chips wash into my neighbors yard. I finally had to remove the chips entirely, and so now all I have is weeds. If I get rid of the weeds, I will have nothing but mud. What can I do???????
Replace the weeds with some type of ground cover or grass. Examples of ground cover and grass:
Ground Cover:
Creeping phlox
Creeping thyme
Ice plant
English Rye Grass (lolium perenne). This is a hardy and cold tolerant grass,related to fescue. Remains green year round. It is not related to the grain rye. Excellent lawn grass and good for erosion control.
Smooth Meadow Grass (poa pratensis) 'kentucky bluegrass'. Good lawn grass.
Blue Sheep Fescue Grass (festuca ovina). Hardy and drought tolerant. Makes good ground cover. Tolerates wide range of soil conditions.
Rough Meadow Grass (poa trivialis). Pasture type grass.
Various sedges and rushes have a grasslike appearance but some will only do well in damp or wet soil.
Sweet Vernal Grass (Anthoxanthum odoratum). A pasture grass. Produces an odor of vanilla. Has medicinal value as skin ointment.
Mark Harshman
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