QuestionI am trying to find name of bush that grows very quickly...5 ft in one year height and 6 ft wide. It has stems like a forsythia/wild and almost formless..same texture and look. First year it had small white flowers, like Shasta daisy flower. Loses all leaves in fall, like forsythia. I bought in a flower pak and do not recall its name. Your help appreciated. Thank you..Joan
AnswerThese plants may fit your description:
Chionanthus virginicus/Fringe tree *My best guess* This is a pretty cool plant.
Eugenia uniflora/Pitanga tree
Viburnum odoratissimum/Sweet Viburnum
Viburnum rufidulum/Rusty Black-haw or Southern Black-haw
Photinia glabra/Japanese Photinia; White flowers, but the leaves have more of a bronze/rusty red color
You got it in a flower pak you say? May it possibly be an annual/perennial? These plants above are used more as ornamental shrubs than "flowerbed" plantings. Some other 搘hite and wispy" plants offered as perrenials, and may be what you are referring to:
Artemisia lactiflora/White Mugwort
Digitalis purpurea/Foxglove ?Comes in white: 'Dalmatian White'
Angelica archangelica/Garden Angelica, Holy Ghost, Wild Celery, and Norwegian angelica
Just google them for flower images to see if any match what you are looking for. Hope it helps. ~M