QuestionHi. I just laid down Milorganite 2 weeks ago on a 6000 sq. ft. yard with Bermuda grass. I aerated with plug aerator before that. I live in Alabama and the soil is full of clay. My question is can I lay down Scotts Turf Builder 30-2-3 along with the Organic Milorganite or will it burn up my yard? The instructions on the Scotts says it will not burn up my yard. I did a soil test and my pH is 7.0, N = nonexistant, P = medium, K = low. The Milorganite has turned my grass dark green in places but it looks like a zebra right now, splotchy. Thanks.
Answer The major benefit of "Milorganite" is that it improves the physical condition of the soil. It does so by encouraging the tiny life forms which make good soil. Appyling high nitrogen fertilizers might undo this benefit. Why not do a second application of "Milorganite"? Only this time, run the spreader at right angles to how you ran it the last time. If you did both directions last time, do diagonals this time around. That should eliminate the striping effect. Note that if you plan to apply fertilizer in two directions, then you must apply the product at half rate.