QuestionWe recently reomved a large number of trees from our backyard and installed about 6,000 sq. feet of lawn. A very large pool of water now accumulates at the end of the grass line, which is at the low point of our yard. Two contractors have told us that re-grading is not an option because the land beyond our property is at a higher point. They both said that once the newly seeded lawn is grown and mature it will capture most of the rain run-off. My question is, do you think that's true. I can't find any information on how much rain run off grass will capture.
Thank you.
Answer Flooding is a result of two conditions:- the amount of rain or snow and topography of the land (how flat or sloped it is). Grass cover will not capture rainfall; it will slow down the rate of runoff and reduce erosion. If the water cannot flow away, then the only ways it will go away is by infiltration (movement downward in the soil) and/or evaporation.