QUESTION: we have new hydroseeded lawn, we water it in the morning and evening, it turned out more weeds than grass, the type of weeds are turning into purple.
Any suggestion to correct the problem now? Attached is the picture.
ANSWER: "When the hydroseeding company hands you a lemon, make lemonade".
I cannot decide whether the purple plant is a grass (monocot) or a broad leaf (dicot). If it is a grass, why not accept it as part of your lawn? You can find out its name, how well it will grow alongside your desired grass and if they are compatible, treat them both the same. Who knows? You may start a trend.
But you may not want this at all. So, you will have to identify the weed and find out the way to get rid of it without hurting the desirable grass. You will end up with killed weeds all over your lawn. Will the desirable grass grow out and fill the blank spots? If it puts out runners (stolons, rhizomes etc.) then you will have to encourage it to do so; by adding organic top soil or by merely watering well. If it will grow from seed only, then we have a problem. How to sow the seeds in an existing crop, give it the right conditions to germinate and grow up to take its place in its world? Believe me, it is not easy but I have no clue what might be possible in your country (it is about 6300Km. from where I live).
So here is where I will have to stop; but I hope that I have given you enough information for you to continue.
---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------
QUESTION: Thanks for your reply.
The purple plan is broad leave weed. We live in Boston area, it is new construction, builder did grading and landscaping, what I heard is taht the old house they tear down has lot of this type weeds.
We need to get rid of these weeds, it is so many and it grow incrediable fast, we live in Boston area about 20 years, this is fist time I see this type of weeds.
Any way I can identify the weed and get rid of them?
Answer What made me think that you were writing from Thailand or that general area?
In the USA, things are very much simplified. All you need to do is take a sample of the weed to the County Extension Office near you. They will identify it and give you good advice on how to get rid of it.