QuestionI live in TN. I bought a house about 3 years ago with a Bermuda lawn. Since moving in, the Bermuda has not turned green and has appeared to be permanently dead. Could the Bermuda possibly be dead?
If it is dead, I would like to reseed with tall fescue? Is this a good idea, if so, should I just spread the seed onto the current turf or till and seed?
Thanks in advance for any help.
AnswerAs for whether the Bermuda is dead, anything's possible. I can't truly diagnose it off site, but if it isn't greening up with the rest of the neighborhood, it's a bad sign.
Tall fescue could be used, but it's going to take a bit more effort during the intense summer heat. Bermuda can definitely hang in there better during the hot spells.
Do NOT spread the seed over existing turf. You definitely would need to remove the dead grass and seed the Tall Fescue into the soil. Seed needs full contact with the soil to grow properly.
Good luck Jeff!
-C.J. Brown