QuestionWhat is the best treatment for cinch bugs on St Augustine grass? I tried the coffee can trick - no bugs came up.
Can a put a treatment on even though I dont know if I have these bugs? Right now my grass is brown and in area completely gone. We are in a drought so its hard to tell what the cause of the problem is. Please advise.
AnswerMost people are 10 steps behind you when they arrive at this website. I'm impressed, Sharon. You've already conducted your coffee can exercise.
You might consider it a message that this is not a Chinchbug problem. Of course you are probably doing that when you ask what else it could be. I can tell you right now that there are several Fungus diseases that could be to blame. They have different patterns of Yellowing and Browning. And usually occur on Lawns that have been heavily maintained with chemicals, either pesticides, or weedkillers, or some of each (the chemicals wipe out other creatures, and the leftover creatures are free to take over the world). rsvp