Questioni live in southern ohio and hope you can help with this problem my lawn is pretty healthy very few weeds and looks great but when you walk on it there is little mounds some as close as a couple inches and 1to 1 1/2 high andwide when you pull back the grass you can see the mound and if you smooth it out there is a hole about 1/4 to 3/8 what does this thanks randy
AnswerHi Randy.
You need to ask a nurseryman in your area.
I live in North Texas, and haven't see that type of critter.
There are so many burrowing insects, and small animals.
There are some wasps that burrow, and one of them is beneficial, because it feds on other harmful insects, but not sure which wasp it is.
Here is a good site for a lot of organic remedies fo insects etc.
Click on critter trouble at the top of the poage, and then on insects when you get to the critter trouble lage, and look for your bug.
You could look at sites to identify that hole by searching for, insects of Ohio in your search engine.
I put insects of Texas in mine, and got about 20 sites to look up. Some with pictures of the insects and their homes.