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Sloping lawns

I need to know how to fix a sloping lawn that goes towards the house and now my basement leaks. Do I need to replace the grass or can I seed right over it or what else can I do,and will it cost me an arm and a leg? I have no idea how to fix this

You have some serious issues, Becky.   I would like to be optimistic about this, but a correction is not a simple, inexpensive project.  My guess is that you will need professional help with this.  Installing a few hundred feet of trenches and laying down gravel and pipe is VERY difficult.

Let's see what choices you have.

You can have your lawn re-graded.  This is probably something you should have undertaken years ago, before the basement was leaking.  You want a long, shallow trench to channel rainwater around the foundation -- and you want that a good 10 feet away from the building.  You want the land to slope down at least a quarter inch per foot beginning at the foundation.

You can try having the soil around the foundation removed and then you can have the walls waterproofed by an expert who does this for a living.  Drains outside the wall will channel subterranean water down, with a pipe draining out to the backyard.  A professional will show you how it's done.

This is not a cheap undertaking.  But it is so important to take care of this at the earliest opportunity.  Water damage to a foundation is terrible, not to mention the termites and related complications you run.

The grass situation is the last thing you should be worried about here, Becky.  Only after the grading problem is corrected should you worry about grass.

Your options on that will depend on where you live and how much light you have.  Let me know and I'll advise you on that next, but Becky take care of that leaking basement first.  You'll be so glad it's solved.

Keep me posted.  

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