QuestionWould you explain the concept of applying table sugar to a person's lawn? Given that sugar and salt are both used as preservatives (i.e., they destroy bacteria), it seems an Old Wives' Tale.
AnswerHi Kirk;
The sugar, in whatever form you apply it, table sugar, molasses, dry molasses, beer, bourbon or whatever, simply nourishes the beneficial microbes that enrich the soil.
That is absolutely all the sugar does.
Those microbes work around the clock enriching the soil, and weeds won't thrive in rich soil.
For every harmful insect that is attracted to your yard, there are many more times the beneficial ones that feed on the harmful ones.
Chemical fertilizers kill all the beneficial microbes, nematodes, and all the other beneficial critters like, toads, lizards, grass snakes.
These little felolows eat harmful inasects.
They also eat the lady bugs and other beneficial ones, but they seem to hve a sweet tooth for aphids, slugs etc more so.
Sugar is not a preservative for all bacteria.
Jams and presewrves will mold and spoil after they are opened if not refridgerated.
Ham cured in sugar gets a mold on it that must be removed, so sugar alone is not used to cure hams.
No old wives tales.
I have put nothing on my lawn for 8 or 9 of the last 10 years, and I have a thick, rich grassy lawn, with no weeds, no slugs, grubs etc.
I was overrun with all that before.
I labored with the chemicals for over 40 years, and had a mediocre lawn.
Now I do little work on it, and spend a lot less money, and have a gorgeous lawn.
If that is an old wives tale, then the old wives know what they are talking about.
Howard Garrett is not only a Horticulturist, he has also spent many years in test gardens, is in demand to put in organic programs for corporations etc.
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