QuestionI am thinking I no longer want to use chemials on my lawn. Please tell me about basic products for doing organic lawn care and getting rid of pest bugs, ants. I livein Northwets Pennsylvnia.
AnswerCongratulations, Don! This is wonderful!
I am just wondering what triggered this epiphany - a strange illness in the family? something you read? "An Inconvenient Truth"? A friend's advice?
First things first. What grass do you have on your lawn and how is it doing? What kind of care (if any) has it received so far? Do you have sun? trees? anything unusual?
Repeat after me: I will never again put anything labelled Monsanto, Scotts or Peters on my real estate. I will never use anything with a Warning! label on my grass. I will never buy anything with a Skull and Bones. I will not put anything on my grass that I cannot eat myself (with a few exceptions which we will address as they arise).
If you see anything called "Espoma" it is probably good for your grass and garden. This is a good, organic-oriented company.
I await your answers to questions 1 thru 5 above (soil, sun, etc). Thanks for writing!