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Question -
I had fungus this year and used chemical products. You mention soda dissolved in water. What is the combination of soda to water? I assume this is the regular store brand soda? Tks, Tom
Answer -
Hi Tom;
Yes, baking soda that you get at the grocery store to use for baking.
I can never find the right amount, so I have always used 1/4th cup per gallon of water.
Do you have preferred times of the year to apply this mixture? Can it be applied on a routine basis during the peak fungus times of the year?
AnswerHi Tom;
Yes, it could be.
I just use it if I see fungus, and on rose bushes etc at the first new growth, and after our spring rainy season.
Is the fungus coming back in the same place?
It may be a rotted tree root, or a scrap of lumber left over by the builders, and covered up, that is decaying.
This is where most fungus comes from.