QuestionMy yard is full of ivy. In an area by the front door, I pulled most of it up, tilled the area and removed more. I am now building a brick paver patio in the area by adding a 6 inch layer of dirt and building the patio on top of that. What are the chances that the ivy will return and disrupt the brick pavers?
AnswerHi Dawn;
Your ivy has a good chance of coming up through the pavers.
Your patio will not remain in good shape if you build it that way.
I have been watching Michael Holligan's show,and Ron Hazelton's show, and several of them have been on putting patios and walks in with pavers, and cobblestones, etc.
He digs out an area about 6 inches deeper that he wants the surface of the patio or walk to be. Then tamps down the soil that is there, brings in 4 inches of gravel and tamps that down with a gadget that looks heavy. You can buy them or rent them. Then he puts the pavers or cobblestones.
The last one I watched, he showed how to lay the stones so they would not put some of the gravel between the stones. You drop it in from the top, rather than laying it down and sliding it against the other stones. You have the bpttom of the paver even with the top edge on the one it will be next to, and lay it straight down.
It really helped me, as we are planning to put in a large patio that way this summer, and I am sure I would have put the pavers down and scooted them, thus doing it wrong, as I often do, learn by doing it wrong the first time.LOL
You can go to his website and look at those past projects.
It would be a good idea for you to check out his site.I think you can either see mini videos on the sites, or order videos on each project.
I looked on both their websites, and couldn't find that particular project.
You might chech them out, and maybe write about how to get good instructions on doing this project. I had thought it was just a matter of laying them down, but it involves much more.
the sites are
Om possible short cut would be to dig out where you are going to dig out, lay down landscaper's cloth to block the ivy from coming up, put down 4 to 6 onches of sand, and put the pavers on the sand.