I have heard mixing caster oil w/water will scare away moles. What ratio should this be mixed, and since I already used grub-ex to eliminate the grubs, will this chase them away?
Any good ideas on chinch bugs? Killed most of front lawn last year, should I treat early in season before I fertilize?
AnswerGood morning Pete:
Trapping is the most reliable method of mole control. Traps, designed especially for mole control, are commercially available. These are the harpoon trap, the choker trap and the claw-type trap. I prefer the harpoon trap because the mole is usually dead by the time I get to him.
The best time to trap is in the early spring when the first burrows are seen or after the first fall rains. Trapping in the early spring can eliminate pregnant females, thus reducing the possibility of having to contend with a family of moles. All burrows are not in use all the time. Find active burrows by rolling or tramping down the ridges and then observe which ones are raised again. These are the ones where traps should be set. If a trap is not sprung in two days, remove it and set it in another location. The site below should answer your question about castor oil applications. As you can see it is not effective through field trials. Don't waste your time and money.
Mole control:
When you fertilize should have no effect on the chinch bug problem. The site below should tell you every thing you need to know about Chinch Bugs and control:
Have a good lawn!
Floyd McMahon