QuestionI just bought a new house late last year and am having trouble with the lawn in a couple ways:
> In most areas the grass came up beautifully, but in some spots the ground is very soft & mushy. If you step on it in some parts your foot will sink an inch or two (even more near the culvert at the end of the driveway!) What are my options for fixing these spots?
> There are a few low spots in my yard that almost look like they were caused by large tires. How can I bring these ruts to same level as the surrounding yard? Of course, I'm hoping to not destroy my grass here. Can I skim off the grass like sod, fill in the depression and then put the grass back? Or is that just wishful thinking...?
Overall, my soil is very clayey - I live in Southern Illinois.
Thanks in advance for any ideas!!
Answeri'm in southern NJ. if the spots are small, remove some dirt and then put sod into the areas. you can skim off the sod, add dirt, and then replace the grass area. check w/a local garden center to see what they recommend. do it now before the heat arrives.