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what makes moss grow in your lawn?how to make grass fill in the bare spots in georgia clay dirt?


Hi Brian,


Moss and shade problems often go together.
Moss likes shade and damp soil conditions.
All turf grasses like lots of sun-light and good drainage; they can usually do OK with any typical soil that is not to compacted or fast-draining. If you can create conditions which are more favorable for turf-grasses, the moss will become history.

Top-soil vegetative growths called "MOSS"  become established in lawns when grass vigor is reduced, under conditions of poor drainage (high clay), compaction, shade, excessively acid soil and close mowing.  Excessive thatch build-up is also associated with mossy conditions.

MOSS is often associated with moist high clay  and compacted soils.  Working to improve the aeration and drainage abilities of the top-soil can prevent mosses and other problems.

An herbicide called "SAFER'S MOSS KILLER" which is a soap-base, environmentally safe, product will rid lawns of this type of moss. Safer's Moss Killer is available at:


Garden centers often sell other HERBICIDAL FATTY ACID- SOAP PREPARATIONS as "Organic Herbicides" which may be effective for this type of moss if it is a problem for you.

Other CHEMICAL TREATMENTS can be carried out at any time of year for best results when the weather is mild and the soil is moist, particularly during September and February or March.
Look for chemical "MOSS KILLERS"  based on DICHLOROPHENE, CRESYLIC ACID OR FERROUS (IRON) SULFATE. These chemicals are contact in action with little or no residual effect, and moss will usually return if cultural measures  (so mentioned) are not implemented.

I Hope this has answered your question(s)!

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