heavy crabgrass, possibly nutgrass infestation
Questionheavy crabgrass,possibly nutgrass too in grams lawn.in central nj, fullsun. sure no 1 has tended to lawn except to mow. any help, bayer/weed b gone products must b careful on hot day, no wind,cut 1-2days pri
QuestionI thought I was using a fertilizer for my lawn and had grabbed the Preen from the shelf instead and treated my entire lawn. Is there anything to stop it from killing the entire lawn or what steps shoul
QuestionI live near Davenport, Iowa. My next door neighbor planted zoysia grass about twenty five years ago. It has taken over his property and now is taking over mine. We have a plastic barrier between
Young Children and Lawn Fertilizers
QuestionCharlotte- THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU for your prompt response and generous advice. Last night I read every one of your answers to the postings. I like what I read, but am not certain it will apply in
Young Children Safety and Lawn fertilizing
QuestionThank you for your prompt reply! It is informative and educational. For your information, here are the list of active ingredients for my fertilizer and my herbicide: The fertilome fertilizer label lists thes
Over fertilized with scotts TuffBuilder with 2% iron
QuestionTHX.. I am in MD in the Baltimore area. I was told that I have 90% Tall Fescue w/ 10% Kentucky SOD which was laid back in NOV of last year. I over did the fertilizing about 2 weeks ago. Didnt realiz
A replacement for Bermuda Grass in shady areas?
QuestionHi Charlotte, I recently moved into a new home in Roswell, GA. just north of metro Atlanta. I have a wonderful full lawn of Bermuda Grass on each side of my house where it receives full sun. However, in my
QuestionI have an old lawn thats in big trouble from crabgrass and thatch. I live in northern NJ (Zone 6) and I plan on reestablishing the lawn this fall. I have found a few suppliers of liquidd dethatch
Seed grass where there is crabgrass
QuestionI live a little North of Des Moines, IA. My front lawn was 75% crabgrass when we moved in. Weve tried everything we can think of to get a nice lawn, but the crabgrass is just too thick. Thi
QuestionI had a tree removed from yard ( i believe it was hackenberry tree?). That was in the early spring and now in the middle of summer I have had hundreds of small tree like plants grow in the lawn on the side o
How can I get rid of clover overtaking an established and beloved lawn?
QuestionA nicely cared for lawn with special grasses (unknown by gardener-homeowner has knowledge) has recently been growing a clover which is rapidly overtaking the whole lawn, jeopardizing the landscaping. How to
QuestionHello, I live in Maryland on 5 acres of part grass and mostly weeds. I haved used a well named company to ariate and overseed a couple years back and there application did very little to improve my lawn/fiel
how to kill the grass out from underneath my decks
QuestionWhat can i use to kill the grass from under my decks for long periods of time or for ever. Is their a homemade remedy or a store bought grass killer that would work the best. I just want something that
QuestionHi! We planted bermuda about 3 months ago. Our back yard, which we have not put half as much time into looks wonderful and pretty much weed free. Our front yard on the other hand, is full of Johnson an
QuestionCharlotte: I recently applied SDcotts Summerguard on my lawn.....insect killer and hi N content ferizlizer. Unfortunately, the spreader was set at 4 times the recommended level, and I fear that half of my gr
QuestionLocation: Northern Los Angeles county, zip-91390 We bought a home with approximately 15 palm trees of various species in the front yard. It seems that the palm seedlings in the lawn out number the blades of
QuestionYeah, it pulls out real easliy. Doesnt grow in clumps, but single sprouts. ------------------------- Followup To Question - Hello, I have a grassy weed on my lawn in southern NJ. I think it
trouble getting new started under mature trees and shade
QuestionI have a small 30 x 40 ft backyard (Southern NJ; zip=08110) that has several large trees along the long side of the area which gets morning sun then dappled sun/dense shade in the afternoon. I just bought t
corn gluten for crabgrass and for annual bluegrass
QuestionThanks again Kenneth. Yes, Id heard that it might take a lot of applications to get rid of the annual bluegrass. This past year I switched from mulching to bagging in hopes of beating back the an
mowing height in general, creeping bent in particular
QuestionMe again Kenneth: First the general question on mowing height: In NYS the Cornell Cooperative Extension agents recommend mowing all lawn grasses as high as we can stand it--3 inches is ideal. Thats wha
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