Questionwhat can i do to get ride of tiny grass flies? it seems they love the new sod i just layed. could i use some type of insectiside or fertilizer? keep in mind i have small children that love playing in the gra
QuestionHi, After getting permission from our neighbor, we successfully killed the (gigantic) poison ivy vine growing up the mature maple on the properties boundary line, since it was spreading around our property
newly sodded st augustine grass
Questiongrass has been down about a week and was very yellow---it is a little greener now but is there anything we can do to improve the color? We have given plenty of water Answer Newly laid sod will take some tim
QuestionI tilled up a section of my lawn after killing a field of fox tails. I then burned the dead fox tails. Months later I tilled the soil and planted a combination of annual rye and Kentucky Blue gra
Question I had a new lawn put in and due to water restrictions in California and we had to water the new sod twice a day and due to watering late at night it seems it developed dollar spots I was told to use a
Is it okay to let Bermuda grass grow right up to my house?
QuestionHi Ronald, Im just wondering if its okay to let Bermuda grass grow all the way up to my house rather than having a border of mulch. the grass would be touching only brick or concrete. Will the B
QuestionHi! I have a huge (12 diameter, up to 2 thick) white growth growing between my native Texas yucca leaves. Its a type of mushroom or fungus. How do I get rid of it? It seems to be smothering my plants.
Questionwe recently laid sod (centipede) about 3 months ago. the past 2 weeks it has started turning yellow. we have an irrigation system on a well and it gets plenty of water. we fertilized it and the green spots g
Questioni have maggots in my bin they was all over the outside of the bin i got rid of them on the out side but there in every black bag inside the bin wat would of caused this i have never had them b 4 Answer Most
QuestionOur lawn has just been diagnosed with chinch bugs. Do you have to take out all of the dead grass and replace it with new sod? A company has come in and told us an overwhelming price to dest
QuestionI installed new midiron sod 4 yrs ago for my lawn.Never had problem till right now. My grass has basically died out,but some grass does remain.I live in arizona where the climate is hot,so it shouldnt
QuestionWe recently re-sodded our lawn due to a sewer line installation. It is a small lawn in sandy soil in a house we purchased a couple of years ago. The sodding was done by a professional and looked
weed-free Pacific Northwest lawn?
QuestionWe live in California near the sea, an hour from Oregon. We dont want to use a product like Weed & Feed but want to greatly reduce the weeds in our lawn. We hope to do some organic vegetable gardening. Our n
QuestionI have experienced rust in my lawn turf the last 2 years and not any of the previous 20. I fertilize 3-4 times a year with Scotts at the recommended rates with a Scotts broadcast spreader. I also have a boom
QuestionQUESTION: My husband and I laid seed in our backyard a couple weekends ago, and its coming up great. Unfortunately the ground we tilled to lay the seed in is still very soft, and Im afraid its going to
QuestionWe recently reomved a large number of trees from our backyard and installed about 6,000 sq. feet of lawn. A very large pool of water now accumulates at the end of the grass line, which is at the low po
QuestionIs there any way to get rid of wimble weed in a lawn other than pulling it Answer It is very difficult to get rid of a grass weed in a grass lawn; as it is to get rid of a broad leaf weed in a broad leaf cr
QuestionI followed the bags settings for my broadcast spreader and wound up applying 10 times the recommended amount of granular weed and feed. What can I do to prevent a burn. I have read that it will promote leaf
controlling weeds in newly seeded lawn
QuestionHello Mr. Persaud, Im not sure if Ill be able to fully benefit from your expertise living in Wisconsin (53538), but hopefully you can give me some advice. I have a new construction home (2 years old).
QuestionI seem to have an underground natural well in one certain spot of my back yard. The water is constantly seeping up and making a big wet, muddy spot in the yard. Is there any way to stop the water
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