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Necrotic Ring Spot Fungus

QuestionIve got Necrotic Ringspot Fungus, and have read your mildew+towel analogy. It makes sense. Will doing nothing and building my soil help solve that? Some say the problem will never go away, but I can suppress

lawn on slab

Questioni have a concrete slabbed terrace, laid to slope for drainage with a 3 cms deep offset for a lawn. the lawn-to-be area is approx 2m x 3m. the lawn has to be grown in and within that. how do i make a bed for

Centipede Grass Burned with Fire

QuestionInstead of thatching, my lawn man set fire to my centipede grass (11 acres of it) and burned the entire lawn. Three weeks have passed with lots of rain and no sign of green. We live in S. Georg

Using Layer of Sand

QuestionMy husband wants to lay several inches of sand before adding top soil to our lawn. Hes not planning to work in the sand. In some areas water stands for days after a hard rain and the soil is hard and c

Dead lawn near water softener/AC equipment.

QuestionHi Ron! Thanks for volunteering your time to help people like myself out with our lawn challenges. I live in southwest Florida, (North Port, specifically) and I have just moved into a new home. The lawn we

Fungus - Brown spots

QuestionIm taking over my lawn care maintenance from one of the big national chains. I live in the Atlanta, GA area with Bermuda grass and my brown patches of fungus have gotten worse each year even after paying for

Grass roots on top of lawn?

Question Grass roots 1 Hello Mr. Persaud. I am a new home owner and I am trying to reclaim my lawn. I have very weak grass on my rear lawn. It is very thin and sparse, with multiple brown spots. I have noticed th

lawn care ?

QuestionI recently put down Scotts crabgrass and fertilizer preventer. The bag says to not seed for months...will i miss the normal seeding cycle? Is there a seed that i can put down now that works with the Scotts?


QuestionI live in PA, how do I get rid of this tenacious grass? Someone told me that salt would kill it. It is growing right over my well so I dont want to use anything toxic. AnswerHi Melody, If using somet

How often should I fertilize ?

QuestionHi, i lived in Europe - Romania (the cliamte is like in NYC hot summers, cold winters). I seeded my lawn in spring last year so this is my first time I experience lawn care after winter. Comparable with fir

white grub problem

QuestionI live in Quebec -Canada my gras was destroyed by white grub. Do you recomaned any specific type of greass more resistanc against this bugs some people suggest to seed clover together with grass also I heard

what should sod look like?

QuestionI hired a company to landscape our backyard, but the grass doesnt look good. I thought that when you first laid sod it looked green, but ours is a yellowish color. The landscaper told me that the sod i

lawn indentations

Questionmy lawn has developed moon like creators .they are not isolated but all over.never saw anything like this..please help. have not fertilized yet live in nj on the water...thank you very much Answer I am not


QuestionWe just moved into my husbands great-aunts house and she was elderly and couldnt pull the weeds well we have ALOT of flower beds and ALOT and I mean ALOT of chickweed that has took over out flower beds...my

hydro seeding

QuestionI would like to know what do I need to do get an area ready for hydro seeding, and best type to use and when to hydro. I live in foothills of san bernardino ca the ground is hard and compact no nutrients and

lawn (sodding)

QuestionCan sod (centipede) be placed on top of winter rye grass without tilling the soil? Answer Yes. However you should first apply an organic product like Milorganite to aid root development of the new sod. Then

sponge grass

QuestionI have been told that I have sponge grass. Have you ever heard of this type of grass. I live up in michigan when you walk on it it feels like a sponge. I WAS TOLD THAT IT COMES FROM FROM UNDER GROUND SPRINGK

Killing Weeds, Re-Seeding

QuestionI live in SE Michigan, near Ann Arbor, I have fairly large lot, one acre, and it is as much weeds as grass. I have a couple questions, first what is the best way to kill off the weeds, and if need be the who

corn gluten for crabgrass

QuestionIm looking for a non-toxic way to stop the crabgrass that is taking over my lawn and Id like to try corn gluten meal. However, because the crabgrass has been so invasive, I have very little good

overseeding mistake ?

QuestionIm writing from Zone 6 in the Northeast - The Poconos in Pennsylvania. New construction = new yard - about 2 acres of grass that gets full sun all day. Initial seeding was a mix of perennial ryegrass a

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