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useing lawn seed over existing turf

QuestionHi Ronald About a year ago we put down turf called conquest. It is a self mulching turf and is very messy. We are on sandy soil close to the beach and have been told Sir Walter Buffallo is better

Growing an Organic Bermuda Lawn

QuestionHi C. J., I recently learn of organic lawns. I have a Louisiana lawn with every type of weed allowed. I am considering going organic. One of the blogs advised that using sugar will promote a health la

Newly laid turf

QuestionHi, I have turf lawn laid approx 11 days ago. Where the edges of the turf meets it is turning brown and dying. Can I stop this? Is there anything I should be doing? I was told to water the lawn until the ro

overseeding newer lawn & crabgrass preventer

QuestionI live in central Wisconsin. September 2008 I put down a quality seed for a new lawn and used a starter fertilizer(about half the recommended rate). For weeks beforehand I had been spraying Roundup to

spring onions

QuestionI just spread the lawn with weed killer (Weed B Gone Liquid), will this kill the onions? If so, will they come back next year? If not what will? AnswerThe onions can be tricky and persistent. Youll most lik


QuestionUnfortunately, I didnt read the label carefully enough and put down Scotts Bonus S Weed and Feed for Southern Lawns on my bermuda. I live in the Dallas, Texas area. Its dying. Its yellow an

KIlling grass and weeds with salt?

QuestionIf I use salt (salt water) in a sprayer to spray my gravel driveway, will the salt water solution seep into the ground and effect the roots of my plants planted nearby? I.E. I have a flowerbed th

carpet grass

QuestionI recently planted carpet grass,it was slightly green when we bought it,now that we got it all layed out we have been watering it daily,but it seems to be getting drier than greener,am i doing somthing wrong

Is my Bermuda dead?

QuestionI live in TN. I bought a house about 3 years ago with a Bermuda lawn. Since moving in, the Bermuda has not turned green and has appeared to be permanently dead. Could the Bermuda possibly b

Grub Control

QuestionI have a grub and crow problem. In years past I was able to control the grub destruction however I now have a crow problem that started late last summer. There is a larg flock of crows that did a

better grass

QuestionI live in Dallas, what is the better grass for plantain on this area (St Agustine, Bermuda) thanks arturo Answer I cannot say which is better for you but I will try to list th

have area that is hard to grow grass

QuestionHello, my wife and i moved into our house about 5 years ago. did work to back yard in small area where i removed a shed and put down 4-6 of soil and then laid sod. i have grass back there now and

dollarweed and algae

QuestionI have dollarweed creeping into my back yard from a preservation lot behind my house. Would putting scotts bonus S along the back of my property wipe that out? How would you treat this? Also, along th

Zoysia lawn

QuestionI am in Maryland and have a long established Zoysia lawn, as do most of my neighbors. (Neighborhood is 50 years old.) For the 2nd year in a row, my lawn is barely starting to turn green, while mo


QuestionHi. My neighbor, an evergreen tree farmer, (Our rear properties touch) recently knocked on all neighbors doors to ask that we spread grass clippings and not leave them piled up. He claims that fungu

growing grass in bare areas

QuestionI laid down Bermuda sod in an area in my yard and it has grown evenly, but some clovers and other weeds have sprouted up recently. How should i get rid of those weeds? Also, in one area of my yard (near a f

lawn turning yellow

Questionwe are going to be laying down new turf in our back garden does anyone know what we can put down before our 2 dogs wee on the lawn and it starts turning yellow and killing off our grass. AnswerSorry Christi

Floratam lawn

QuestionI had my yard resodded with Floratam two years ago. I mow at the highest setting on my Craftsman mower and water twice a week and have never aereated or dethached. I bag the grass cuttings.  


QuestionI live in central Florida and have St Augustine grass, I have clover and I believe dollarweed all over my lawn. What is the best treatment to remove these weeds. Thank You Answer First of all, dollar weed

lawn troubleshooting

QuestionWe have a sodded lawn (beginning of year 3) which was in place when we purchased the home. The soil is very poor and there are numerous mid-sized trees in the front. The grass looked beautiful th

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